The Best Ways To Get Rid of Bloat In Your Stomach
When you eat a meal, your body can’t directly break down the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the food. Instead, your digestive enzymes break them down into smaller particles called monosaccharides, fatty acids and amino acids. These are known as nutrients because they are able to support life. Your body is able to absorb these different forms of nutrients through the walls of your small intestines with the help of special enzymes to digest them. However, this process is not perfect. When you eat simple sugars like fructose or even normally non-fattening foods like beans or lentils in large quantities, it can cause a buildup of gas and fluids in your stomach, called bloating. Here are some effective ways to get rid of bloat in your stomach and feel lighter again – Don’t forget to chew your food When you chew your food thoroughly, it takes your body longer to break it down. This means that your digestive enzymes have more time to break down your food and produce...