What States Is Weed Legal?
In the United States, the legalization of Cannabis differ from state to state. Each state has distinct regulations regarding the use of legal hemp products. Wondering if recreational or medical cannabis is allowed in your state? Let us check out what cannabis products have been legalized in the fifty American states. Medical Marijuana Legality in the US Cannabinoids are chemical compounds produced by the cannabis plant. The most abundant cannabinoids are CBD (Cannabidiol) and Delta-9 THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). While THC is notable for its intoxicating effects, it also contains properties that can be used medicinally. Although the federal government has classified THC as a Schedule 1 Drug since the passing of the Controlled Substances Act in 1973, states have defied these laws using their juridical autonomy. Following research in the medicinal properties of cannabis, states passed legislation permitting MMJ for some qualifying health conditions, such as epilepsy, HIV, ...